Update! - Updated Vessel System

Hello there!

I'm very happy about this post.  I've redesigned the whole vessel system so it's not only easier to understand, but it also plays better.  I've gotten rid of the awkward charging options.  Now holding the charge button will only charge, there's no options for gathering water, or cleansing blood.  Gaining water and cleansing blood are replaced by simply hitting other players.  Now we also have KNOCKBACK!  This probably should have been included in the first release but here it is now.  It works similarly to Super Smash Bros. where the more damage a player has, when hit, the further they fly.  This is done through the Bleeding system.  In the center of the vessel there is a diamond that indicates how broken the vessel is.  You can also kick people in the face now :)   Simply press the jump button just when you’re on top of another player.  This can also be used for wall jump.

- New stuff added -

  • knockback
  • simplified vessel system
  • kicking people in the face
  • bleeding system

- to be added - 

  • knockback for guy's special
  • music player
    • The image attached is the music player.  The plan is that it will be able to play music from a folder.  I will start working on music latter in production.  The music player is modeled off old wire recorders, they're pretty cool bits of history.
  • menus
  • winning and losing
  • some kind of single player mode/ story mode
    • Came up with some cool ideas with my bros.  Didn't know if I was going to have this but I'm excited about putting it in.

I need to figure out how the butler updater for itch works.  For now, the new version is just a separate file.

Let me know what you think of the game so far.  Suggestions about the mechanics are also welcome.  My bros are helping with play testing, but more ideas would be cool!

That's all for today.  Have a juicily happy rest of your day! 


Rain Sword Melee 0.0.1.exe 3.4 MB
Jun 02, 2020

Get Rain Sword Melee (prototype)

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