A downloadable Virtual World for Windows

Rain Sword Melee is multiplayer fighting game.  Fight in large landscapes with quick precise attacks and platforming.  Welcome to the world of the Rain Sword!

This game is in extremely early development.  Mechanics in this current state of the game may change in the final version.

Main Mechanics

The Vessel

  • The vessel is the protector of each character.  Instead of dying when hit the characters blood is given to the vessel.  Once the vessel is full of blood it will kill the character.  Water is the only thing that cleanses blood.  The Rain Sword is weapon of this world and will give water to those who attack others.


            (joypad)                   (keyboard)
move      | left stick               | WASD
attack    | right stick              | lmb

kick      | neutral left stick + rt  | neutral  WASD + space
dash      | held    left stick + rt  | held     WASD + space
dash kick | flicked left stick + rt  | released WASD + space 

charge    | neutral right stick + lt | neutral  lmb + rmb
special   | held    right stick + lt | held     lmb + rmb
c attack  | flicked right stick + lt | released lmb + rmb

--- more about charge ---

Holding the charge botton will charge water.  This can be used to make charge attacks stronger.  This charged energy is also used to cleanse blood and the end of a special attack


- joe (master of the gun-staff)

  • |special attack| - gun - (it shoots)

- iona (master of the Rain Sword)

  • |special attack| - spear - (when her spear hits somthing she will teleport to it)

- sword master (master of the sword)

  • |special attack| - teleport - (teleports in direction of right stick.  does damage on the exit of the teleport)  

- hat (master of the hat)   :)

  • |special attack| - counter attack - (creates a shield in the direction of the right stick.  If the shield is hit it releases a large attack)

Customizable Character data

The game has the ability for the character data to be changed.  For instructions on how to customize the character data, read the README.txt file located with the installed .exe.


Rain Sword Melee 2.2 winstaller.exe 3.3 MB

Development log


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hope to play it with someone one day this is pretty cool <3<3<3<3<3